My Students

My name is Margarita Gaviria. I am twenty years old. I was born on July 16, 1991 in San Lorenzo, Nariño. I when to school in Santa Cecilia and I left school when I was eighteen.  Actually, I am studying English and Spanish teaching program at the University of Nariño and I live in Pasto with my sister.  My favorite hobbies are listening to music, to watch TV, and dancing. My goal is to become a teacher and a PhD. I want to teach other people, because I know than when teach, I learn as well.  In addition, I want to travel around the word and help the community.

My name is Maribel Alexandra Delgado Viveros. I was born San Pedro de Cartago, Nariño. I studied in San Bernardo´s high school. Now I live in Pasto. I study English and Spanish Teaching Program in the University of Nariño. My hobbies are to dance, listen to music, and reading.

My name is Edwin Jair Fajardo Ch. I was born in San Juan De Pasto, on June 15th of 1980. I started to study in Santa Barbara elementary school when I´m 4th years old, When I´m 10th   years old finished this.  Next I started the high school,   when I´m 18th years old finished the high school. After this I studied Accounting at Mariana University. By two semesters .  Later had a daughter with my wife. And I work and work and work. But I needed study and decided inning to the University and now I´m 31th years old and I´m in second semester of English and Spanish program.  I´m very happy and I hope end my career very well and soon.

My full name is Diana Lucero Burbano Pupiales. I am from El Tambo. I am 18 years old. I am an English and Spanish teaching program student at the University of Nariño. I like listening to music, watching TV, playing basketball, and reading. I do not have a favorite food, but I do not like sea food. I am not complicated, but I am responsible.

My name is Daniel Garzón and I am 21 years old. I describe myself as an introvert person. I am responsible and I know how to manage my priorities. I am very interested on foreign languages and cultures, especially Asian ones like Japanese and Korean, and I consider that is one of my strongest points. I have other interests like mythology, technology, and astronomy; but I do not know a lot about these subjects, but I would like to. I lack concentration and energy sometimes, and I am not used to teamwork yet, but I am trying to resolve that. Well, I think this resume most of who I am.

My name is Jhon Fredy Jurado, I am from Iles (Nariño) but, I live in Pasto twenty years ago.I was born on December 15, 1988. I am twenty three years old. I am studing English and Spanish in the University of Nariño. I work in the day and I study in the nigth. I like listen music.

My name is Patricia López; I was born on September 7, 1987. I studied at school called ESTUDIAR, at the moment I am studding   English and Spanish Teaching Program at the University of Nariño. When I was 12 years old, my mother died, 4 years later my daughter was born, Before I was admitted to University of Nariño, I started with a basic course in English and something about computers, then I did a course about cash registers at the Sena, but I realized that although I liked it, my wish was study  something to help me find work in other cities, for this reason I was studding tourism at the University Remington, but unfortunately it was just a technician and I was looking for a career, so I decided to go to  the University of Nariño because I want and I like learning another language to travel and have opportunities to visit places and people. I want to end up in the future performing my skills as a native speaker in another country, and thus giving to my daughter a good future.

My full name is lady Karolina Garcia Benavides, I am from Pasto, I am twenty years old, My birth day is 12/ september /1991, I have a baby her name is Allison Camila, She is 3 years old, I got a married five months ago, My husband´s name is Jonathan, He is 22 years old, We live together. I was studying at Liceo la Presentacion and the high school in the Colegio Ciudad de Pasto. Actually i am an english and spanish teaching program student at the University of Nariño. My hobbies are listening to music, playing voleyball,cooking desserts and watching scary movies.

I am Mónica Andrea Bastidas Cruz. I am 28 years old. I was born on May the 18 th, in 1983. I am the first of three brothers. I have a child, he is 5 years old. I am a single mother. I have done Kinder Garden, Elementary and High Scholl in Normal Superior de Pasto. I like playing volleyball but I don`t practice it. I was a teacher at Kinder Garden. Until I get pregnant. Actually, I live with my mother, my brothers, and my con. Finally, I love my professional career and I will continue struggle for make my dream true becoming a teacher of English and Spanish.

My name is Melany Cobo. I am nineteen years old.  I was born in Pasto, Colombia. I went to elementary school in Cali and I graduated in 2004. I went to school in 2005 and I graduated when I was seventeen.                                                                                                   As a child I loved playing basketball and volleyball. When I was twelve, I became interested in sports and music. Is for these reasons that I want to learn to play the guitar and practice many sports. I lived with my grandmother for three years and then I went to Pasto. I live with my mom, Silvia; and my dad, Luis. Now I am studying English and Spanish teaching program at University of Nariño.  My family is the most important part of my life as well as my successes. It is the influence that I have on my parents as well as my personal goals that have driven me to want to excel in all I do. My life so far is comprised of a wonderful family and great friends.

My name is  Juli Carolina Chávez Muñoz. I was born in Pasto. My age  is 23.
I am a honest and responsible person,  and  I`m a bit of  perfectionist.
My hobbies are playing the guitar, and sometimes singing, because I love the music.  I  like read and write, I lovely the books, and I love the animals too. I don´t like listen to music when I am studying, because I get distractedI hate the meat, because I am vegetarian, and I don´t like the double face persons.

My name is Alexandra Bravo. I am twenty three years old. I am studying in English and Spanish teaching program of the University of Nariño and I work as cashier in a supermarket. In my free time, I like go to the cinema or walk in the park.

My first names are Martin Emilio; my last names are Guaranguay Morillo. I was born in 1967 in Pasto. I am 44 years old. I studied the elementary school in Ipiales, and I finished high school en the college ciudad de Pasto in 1988. I had developed a love for the national Colombian police. Later that same year, I enrolled in the School of police from Tuluá Valle. In 1989 I was working in Bogota. On the streets of Bogotá I found an excellent setting to be a good cop and develop social activities to help solve community problems. I loved it. I was also inspired become Police command. So, I will went to make course in the Police School of Cundinamarca. I graduated as a command of police in 1991. I had wanted married and raise a family, I met beautiful and young women in Cartagena and I married with her.  I have four sons now. I live with them in Pasto. Love very much my children and my wife. I retired from work in 2009. I am currently retired of government. Too I am currently studying languages in the University of Nariño in Pasto. Finally, I desired to successfully finish my studies because I believe that one must fight to the proposed goal. Would also my purpose is be as an example for my children, and personal achievement.

My name is Mario Leonel Diaz Ceballos. I am from Putumayo. I was born in Colon. My birthday is on July 9. I studied in the school champagnat. Then, I studied in high school Almirante Padilla. Now, I am 29 years old. I am studying in English and Spanish Program.  It is in the University Nariño. I am studying this program because I love English and Spanish. in addition, I like listening to American music, I like to play guitar. I have a dream, It is to travel to The United States of America because I think I can learn better English.           

            My name is yhuly cepeda .English and Spanish student program at University of Nariño. I was born in Samaniesgo in 1988.I went to primary in Ipiales. As a child I loved playing volleyball and I loved eating chicken,then,when I was fourteen  I became interested  in different sports, I left High school when I was sixteen. I got a job in Muebles San Diego in 2007, I got married in 2009.In 2011 I started to work in Muebles   David as a seller.

I am Gabriela Benavides Zamora, I was born in El Peñol, on January 1, 1983, I went to Pasto in 2000, I studied Sales in the Sena.  Two years later, I met my boyfriend, now my husband. After that, I worked in a Casino in the center of this city, I worked there five years. I got gifts form my excellent performance. In 2008 I retired from my work, because I was pregnant. My pregnancy was high risk. In October 2008 my daughter was born, her name is Laura. In 2011, I enter to Universidad of Nariño; I study Spanish and English.

My full name is Jeisson Hernan Espinosa.  I am 22 years old. I was born in Pasto, Nariño on March, 10, 1990. I finished study at high school at INEM School. Actually I live in Esmeralda neighborhood. I have many hobbies, which are very important for me. I practice soccer two time in the week with my neighborhood`s friends. I like to play guitar and charango in my free time. In my house I cook a delicious food such as; Chinese food, chicken rice food, barbecue and fast food.  My favorite dessert is strawberry ice cream. Saturdays in the night I like watch scientific programs and military movies. Nightly I read stories, didactics books and romantic poems sometimes. My mother`s name is Ilia Zoraida Espinosa Villota and my sister`s name is Elizabeth Espinosa. My pet is a tiny golden retriever, his name is Manolo. Now I am studying English and Spanish teaching program university of Nariño.

My name is Sandra Rocío Martinez Guerrero. I am 20 years old. My birthday is June 4. I from El Tablón De Gómez. I am studying English and Spanish teaching program at university of Nariño. I would like to become excellent professional. I am friendly and responsible. In addition, I like to go to the cinema and I like to eat mushrooms’ pizza and Coca-Cola. I like to listen to ballads and pop music. I like the sports such as basketball and tennis. In my free time I like to read to Paulo Coelho, and his book “El Alquimista” is my favorite book. Finally, I am a person who does not like injustice and lies.