Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June's Forum



    1. In my opinion the causes of this problem are because in families there aren't moral values such as respect, understanding, toleration, support and even couples lose their love of family. Also many times man tender to dominate women using violence; in this away relationships became unhealthy for women, for all the family.

    2. I think the main cause is the incomprehension on the part of couples who make up the family. Another cause and which today is more worrying is infidelity and jealousy, which cause changes in behavior and consequently there are killings by any member of the couple. These events affect children because this is a repetitive chain difficult to break.

    3. I think the intolerance and disrespect are causes for this phenomenon that happen, maybe because today are losing the good values. Our parents have got fault their for society to be sexist because they teach us that since we were children.

      When I was young, I heard my father with great joy "is a male" when my brother was born; but when my sister was born my father was sad and said "is little cook". Since that time showed a preference for sons.

      We must change the way think and teach our children than on society, all are equal and have equal right, and we must instill good values such as respect for other people and we must eliminate the barrier of " who is better, men o woman".

    4. I think that a cause of abuse against woman is jealousy, because there are men that do not allow their wives or girlfriends have friends or relate with other persons, in additon, the woman does not denounce these violent acts for fear to be battered or murdered.

    5. I think that domestic violence and abuse against women happen because into the family exist intolerance and fault of dialogue.

    6. I think that this is a serious problem. I think that the causes of this problem are: jealousy, addictions, intolerance and economics problems.

    7. I think there is more than one cause of that big problem. One of the main causes is the lack of education since not all people have the right to education, another cause may be one of the biggest social problems which is alcoholism in men because when women are abused or mistreated, in most cases we can observe that men are drunk. I also think that a lot of men in our country are sexist, and this is also another cause of this problem.

    8. In my opinion one cause of this problem can be machismo. Men think that women should do homework only. Also, other cause can be education received from his family. They see violence in their home. Then they learn this.

    9. The main cause is the need to download the accumulated tensions, these occurs especially in men, when women allow their husbands abuse them, the situation can get out of hand. Besides, men do not care about the consequences because the punishment of the law is not exemplary.

  2. In my opinion domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose to gain and maintain total control over someone. When people talk about domestic violence, they are often referring to the physical abuse of a spouse or intimate partner. Physical abuse is the use of physical force against someone in a way that injures or endangers that person.
    Domestic violence is an act of aggression and cruelty. Furthermore, Violence and abuse can cause terrible physical and emotional pain.

  3. In my opinion, the causes of this problem are meanly the mentality of the people of our country. I think is in home where begins the good or the bad conduct in the people. If someone has good moral foundations it will be a good role model in its family.

  4. Unfortunately I lived this. Now, I think the main cause is "forgive and believe that everything will change." We live in a vicious circle. In this circle the abuser hits, abused, humiliated, insulted, etc., but then regrets it. The abused person forgives again and again. Perhaps the low self-esteem, be a dreamer, or fool. Do not know! But if allowed to pass once, will always pass.

  5. I think one of the causes can be alcohol because it destroy many homes. Other cause can be mistrust or jealousy. I think that in a relationship or a marriage should have dialogue. Also I considered many women do not denounce it; they prefer to endure this problem.

  6. I think that the causes of the problems of violence to women is given by the intolerance of man and believe it dominant over the mistreatment of women should be punished more rigidly and a crime that this should be a crime that undermines physical and psychological integrity.

  7. I think there are many causes. The first, addiction to alcohol or hallucinogenic substances. This causes many problems between a couple and come to kill. but can also occur by misunderstanding or lack of dialogue and love, too.

  8. In my opinion, one of the main causes of this is the education that abusers had in their home. When a kid grows up in an environment with violence, he learns to be violent. Then, when that kid is an adult, he repeats the actions he saw from his family, like abuse against women. By this way, the kid grows up to become a violent person. And the victims of his violent action are usually his own family.

  9. I think that some women don't know how their couples are. In some of these cases, when these women start to live with their couples, they start to show their true personality. Sometimes, the man who a woman lives with has rage problems. Little by little domestic violence starts to appear in a family.

  10. I disagree with domestic violence and more violence against women because despite the fact that women will always be difficult to understand, are the most beautiful gift God has given us. You need to be sick in the head and also the one who hits a woman never known the love of a mother, a sister's love, love the first girlfriend does not know what love is! Thanks for existing women.

  11. I disagree with domestic violence and more violence against women because despite the fact that women will always be difficult to understand, are the most beautiful gift God has given us. You need to be sick in the head and also the one who hits a woman never known the love of a mother, a sister's love, love the first girlfriend does not know what love is! Thanks for existing women.


    1. I think the world will not end, you may begin a new cycle on the calendar and this will bring some changes in the nature but I think the day is said that the world will just be a normal day shopping for the arrival Christmas.

    2. In fact, I don't believe in those kind of theories. I think the world ends when each of us dies. For that reason I prefer to live each moment of my life as if it were the last. only our good steps will endure forever. Finally, if the world ends today or tomorrow there are nothing that we can do. so, we just need to live the moment. People need to build a good present to have a good future.

    3. I think that end world won’t be on 21 December on this year because is difficult predict events of naturalize, but I have watched and I have felt some changes on our country like; climate changes, the intense rainy season etc. Perhaps these phenomena are caused by man with the misuse of non-renewable resources, pollution, and the large amount of garbage, maybe these factors are real causes for the world end.

    4. I think that this theory about Mayan prediction was to misunderstood by some people but epigraphers have said that Mayan were convinced that time, calendar, and world will continue and that the prophecy doesn't mean the end world. I believe that these epigraphers are right about what they say.

    5. I think the Mayan prophecy is not about a specific date on the end of the world. But major climatic changes are announced in the land. Today we are living. Changes that are produced by activities of the man. Therefore, man's attitude must change to preserving nature. The end of the world is true by our irresponsible actions. And relation among men is getting worse day by day. We are self-destructing. I think it's time to change. Otherwise we will to disappear this year or in a not too distant tempo.

    6. In my opinion the world won't end. People will destroy the beautiful world what now we see. People hurt our planet, but people don't know this. Maybe, the world end because we don't care our planet.

    7. I think that Mayan prediction is false because the world is changing and after of december 21, the world will be same.

    8. The prophecy about the end of the world does not exist, the Mayas tell about a new period of 5200 years, that was in a stone, in which there is a message of warning and of hope. people misinterpret the information to your liking, with the sole purpose to creating a disturbance.

    9. I don´t think the world will end in December because the mayan calendar has a gap in accounting for months and years. There are many theories and speculations aboutthis.also, I think that what we call end is a natural cycle of living beings and our planet, when each cycle come to an end, a new cycle starts again.

    10. I think this theory is misunderstood by many doomsayers who like to draw atension because the only thing that does this theory is the change of a lunar cycle,we are the only ones that cause deterioration of our planet. Do not let us take the culpade our problems to others!

  13. There are two factors like drug addiction and alcoholism. These factors, on many occasions are the cause the abuse physical of women. People that consume drugs or alcohol are very dangerous because they are not in their five senses, these people are interested only by the vice. Therefore they seek more money. This is to buy alcohol or drugs and when they cannot get money, they are very violent. And sometimes they kill to loved ones for money.

  14. The main idea that Mayans could predict the end of the world is based on a type of astronomy, not forethought. People think Mayan predictions are accurate because they developed a calendar that is more accurate than the one we currently use. But personally, I think we are wrong in our interpretation of what it means, I don't think the world is going to end next year.

  15. I think that The Maya did not speak of the end of the world, they say that everything changes. The Mayan prophecy tells us about changes that will happen on the planet, such as physical and consciousness of the human race.

  16. I think, that God's plans are indecipherable. He is the only one who has the power. He is the only one who knows the day and time of the end of the world.

  17. I think people are wrong because it is not the end of the world,this means the beginning of a new cycle.

  18. I think the Mayan predictions are not entirely related to the world end as everyone think they have the changes that will happen from this end of the year on and as our planet earth will change over the course of time , its change will be severe but we contribute to environmental conservation

  19. On my opinion, World's end has been prophesied for many civilizations, this is due to curiosity that being human have of topic. Theories how the of Maya have last for our civilization and this have been forgotten. I believe that these prophecies only allow us take awareness our acts.

  20. I think that this depends on each person's faith, culture, society, and religion. I believe the end of the world are the disasters that happen every day on our planet. but I respect the beliefs of other people.

  21. I think that idea of the end of the world in this year is completely wrong. First, Mayan did not predict the end of the world. What really happens is that the Mayan calendar ends this year. I don't know why, but some people took this as it was the end of the world. Besides, I think taking this kind of prophecies seriously is absurd. They have no logic, no basis, and no sense, like this one.

  22. I think the problem is the silence, if a woman does not report the abuse this attitude makes that the husband hites her, besides the abuse is not only physical, also is psychological and i think women should not allow this kind of abuse.
