Monday, March 26, 2012

April's Forum



    1. I think bullfighting in Colombia haven't had great acceptance by the people.
      In Colombia has been less successful bullfighters than Spain.
      I think bullfighting should not exist in nowhere of the world. Because, it is not fun see the death of a living.
      For me, Colombian bullfighting and the world should abolished forever. No one should have fun with death.

    2. I think that bullfighting is a cruel activity because bulls are killed by bullfighters for entertain to people and I disagree with animal abuse.

  2. I think that it is a bad activity, because humans use the bulls to satisfy their murder instinct. Also, humans enjoy looking how defenseless animals fight for keep their lives, being simple victims of provocations and tortures, and obviously, bulls will try attack to save their own integrity. If no one does things to annoy them so bulls will not hurt anyone.

  3. I think that It is an abuse against the animals, they are not on equal footing to be able defend, because the bulls are abused before the fight. Also, the weapons of humans always have venom.
    The bulls should not be tortured this way, because they are part of nature.

  4. I think, it is really cruel, because nobody has the right to murder animals, they are living beings same us. A lot of times, these spectacles involving animals are part the culture of some towns, but this does not justify animal abuse. Occasionally These Animals are raised just for entertain people and then they are killed. It is not logical, everybody deserve respect even the animals, they are very important, because, they do easier our lives.

  5. I have been always against that kind of practice. Bullfighting is clearly an activity that has the cruelty against the animals as its main subject. Bulls are forced to participate in events where they are hurted or even killed. In Colombia, there is a practice that takes this savageness to a very high level: the "Corralejas". It is an informal activity where people induce the animals to attack them. This cause injures and death not just for bulls, but for people themselves.

  6. BULLFIGHTING: It is known in many place as a sport, a culture, an art, and a tradition. Many people think that it is good but, many people think that it is bad becouse, it is not some human in the world.
    I think that it is very bad becouse, a bull or other animal have rights to live and to die worthily. In this plays the bulls are killer for fun.

  7. In my opinion, bullfighting is a cultural heritage, but it's also inmensely cruel to the animals, because the bull is dragged in front of the crowd and killed.
    Bullfighting is exploitation of an animal for a show designed to make money.

  8. Personally, I am desagree with the bullfighting, because this is a bad activity where the bull is placed in a ring with men who have swords that kill the animal for sport and entertainment.

  9. In my opinion, this is inhuman. These animals have life and we have to respect. We must protect animals. For example, in other country, the animals have been protected because people know they are important for the nature. People don´t like how the animals suffer. then, the people have many organizations, these are to protect animals. here in Colombia some people kill animals, it is for fun. I believe, it is wrong. We must think that animals feel pain and suffer. In addition, we can´t educate our children with that thought because it is very violent.


    1. I agree with Carolina because there are some people that give a misuse to social networks. Those people can use it to harm someone or to trick someone. So, I think that we must be very careful when we give or share information.

    2. I agree with my classmate carolina because social networks can be used in many ways; some of these are good, some are bad. it can help to exchange information, music,videos and improve our social life, but we must be careful when we use this.

    3. I agree with Carolina for many reasons. First, on these sites people usually share a lot of personal info. Everyone in the world has access to most of things that people upload like info, photos, videos, contacts, etc. And social networks make it easier for anyone to take anything from these sites and do with it wathever they want to. It is very hard to control what people do with the internet, so the best we can do is being careful about the use of social networks.

    4. In my personal opinion Social networks are dangerous, when we share personal information with other people that we don't know. Some criminals use social networks to commit crimes.

      Social networks are very good, when we use responsably, also it allows us to comunicate whith family and friends.

    5. I agree with you because social network are very important in community. These media help us in everyday life. Technological tools are really indispensable to our study, we also can be better informed. However, many people don´t know it can be dangerous. Psychologists find many problems; it is adictive, children can know dangerous persons, teens can find private programs. I believe we must use internet with responsability
      These are my views

    6. I agree with Carolina because thanks to social networks you can keep in touch with all your friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Also, they are useful for finding those friends whom you have not seen for too long but you miss them a lot. Another important strength of social networks is that people can be found more easily since they nowadays spend a lot of time on internet. A weakness of social networks is that they have been being used for illegal purposes, so it is important that you be very careful with the friendship request you respond to, and make sure that you accept those requests coming from people you know well.

    7. I agree with you. Social networks are important to everyone. You can make new friends in it.
      You can get advice on line too. There are very important pages for investigate around of many current topics, for example, songs, jokes, topics of science, nature, and more interesting things.
      Also, you can share everything with your friends. The people can help each other across the social networks, you can make business. You can also find old friends or make new friends. It is easy to use. The good use and safety is up to you.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. I think that social networks are good because they facilitate communication and they are important to people for entertainment and they are bad and dangerous because people share personal information and also they are addictive.

    10. I think that social networks are good because they facilitate communication and they are important to people for entertainment and they are bad and dangerous because people share personal information and also they are addictive.

    11. I think that depends to want use this, because the social networks are a great resouce.
      Depends you point of view and how you use the important tool, social network, is good when you use the important medium of comunication the right form.

    12. I agree. Social networks are a means of communication to which we can access easily. This allows us to exchange information with family, friends and sometimes with people we do not know. We must be careful with the information we share because sometimes this is unsafe.

    13. I agree with carolina because networks are dangerous if we give personal information. In social networks we find games, information, and people of diferent places at the world. I think social networks are useful if we usethem correctly.

    14. I agree with Carolina because the people use it for communicate with their family,friends.But there are bad people that have bad intentions and they do to damage a other people to implicate in problems.For it you have to care.

    15. SOCIAL NETWORKS:I think that, It is excelent becouse, this is a communications medium. this can be a personal communication, labor communication, family communication etc.
      I agree whit Carolina. This can be dangerous when we give our personal information somebody stranger. today, many people use the social networks to make bad things to persons. you should be more careful.

    16. I agree whit you, because some Internet users do not have enough social awareness and all they want are to hurt and advantage of the innocent peopled. It´s complicated, because day by day they are mora and more users of the social networks and anyone cares to internet content.

    17. I think that depends to want use this, because the social networks are a great resource.
      Depends you point of view and how you use the important tool, social network, is good when you use the important medium of comunication the right form.

  11. I think, that in many cases can be dangerous because different people. Through this social networks, there have been seductions, manipulation, aggression, etc.. However, this risk can be taken for many people. Who access there networks and it is the responsibility how to handle each of the information that you give and you get from this.

  12. I agrre with Carolina because these sites allow you to keep in touch with your friends, classmates, you can receive messages, upload photos,videos and you get to meet and know a variety of people whose interests are similar to your own, but also there are some people who always in search of a fake identity they may use your identity for different type of illegal activities.

    1. I agree with my classmate Juli Carolina because some times the people give personal information To unknown persons and these persons use this information for do damage or sell drugs with other identity and the inocent person does not know that one person uses his name for hurt other people so, the police could find at the person guilty of all this crimes, for these reasons i think that we should be careful with our personal information.

  13. I agree with my classmate Juli Carolina, because some times the people give them personal informatión; so other people use it for do damage or sell any drugs with other identity and the inocent people do not know what one person use his name for it and the police can blame them of all this crime and I think that all us should be careful with give our personal information.


    1. I would like to visit two of the seven wonders. I would like to visit Machu Picchu, Peru because it remember to latin americans our origin and the imposing of indian breed. Also I would like to visit Taj Mahal, India because it has a great architecture. It keeps and incredible history about love and cupidity as well.

    2. I would like to visit the Taj Mahal, India because its Mughal architecture is so beautiful and wonderful. It is unique in its category. This monument was inspired by love, so it is romantic. Taj Mahal is a symbol of eternal love, so then it is known as one of the seven wonders of the word. This wonder of the word has got an interesting history since it said that after completing the architectural work the emperor ordered to cut the hands of the workers so that another monument never to be equal. I have many reasons to visit the Taj Mahal so I will visit it soon.

    3. I would like visit Machu Picchu because this place has much mystery. I have listened that nobody know how Machu Picchu was built. There are many stories, some stories are wonderful. Those legends lead us to a magical world. In addition, this is a great monument that I will like visiting. If I could travel to this beautiful construction, I would want walking for the place. so I will have many memories of one of the seven wonder world.

    4. I would like to visit Roman coliseum because it is a legendary place and I love Italy. My dream is to travel to Italy.

    5. I would like to visit Taj Mahal because this place is a beautiful construction and this place has a interesting history. I hope to travel to India and I see Taj Mahal.

    6. I would like to visit all seven wonders because all these are very interesting. each wonder has its own history, culture, and unique qualities. I would like to know everything about these. Additionally, I would travel to different places where the seven wonders are.

    7. I would like to visit Taj Mahal. One of the Seven Wonders of the World. It's a spectacular build. Its architecture is wonderful. It's a traditional Persian decorative that is very interesting because that is the finest materials.For example, marble. It has a great and very beautiful garden. Also the river that runs through the garden, show a spectacular landscape. The tomb is the one most spectacular inside. I'd like to visit Taj Mahal to learn to this ancient and strange culture for me.

    8. I would like to visit Tag Mahal,India because it has a beautiful history,it has a wonderful archicteture.I would like to write a book about its history of love.

    9. I would like to visit Taj Mahal. One of the Seven Wonders of the World. It's a spectacular build. Its architecture is wonderful. It's a traditional Persian decorative. That is very interesting because that was made with the finest materials, for example, marble. It has a great and very beautiful garden. Also the river that runs through the garden, show a spectacular landscape. The tomb is the one most fantastic inside. I'd like to visit Taj Mahal to learn to this ancient and strange culture for me.

  15. i agree with Carolina because these social networks offer advantages and disadvantages for people and thanks to its use, whether good or bad become a necessary evil for them, just as it is used to communicate with others, is also used to harm and often endangers the live for people.

  16. I think that it is depending with each person. everybody knows about benefits and perjudice that those social networks cause and everybody should to choose what things from their lifes can share to the diferents networks knowing what can be bad or good for their lifes. We have to be Carefull with everything that we share in Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  17. I would like to visit is The Taj Mahal,India. It has a great history, it was built by Sah Chahar to his wife Mumtaz Mahal, when she died because of it is a mausoleum and it is called the monument of love. I want to Know because it is a beautiful place.

  18. I would like to visit Taj Mahal, on India because this Temple has a beauty amazing. The Taj Mahal is considerate the best example of Mughal architecture; its style combines elements of Islam architecture, Persian, Indian and even Turkish. I think that this beautiful place is interesting, because it was built by different cultures.

  19. I've always wanted to go to Peru. Machu Picchu is one of the wonders of the world and also one of the top archaeological sites on the planet. Machu Picchu is a wonder of construction because the Incas build a city comprising of hundreds of buildings with stone components. Visiting Machu Picchu is one of the most extraordinary traveling experiences in the world and can be a fascinating insight into the culture of the indigenous people.

  20. I would like to visit the Great Wall, in China. First, because I am very interested on Asian culture. The Great Wall is an important part of China's history. In more than 2000 years, this structure has seen many dynasties and battles. In addition, I think its architecture is fantastic; not just for its length, but for its towers, its design, its duration, etc.
    For these reasons, the Great Wall is the place I would like to go someday.

  21. I would like to visit Machu Picchu because is a natural paradise. It has a great architecture and a beautiful landscapes. Also, it is a interesting place with a great history.

  22. I would like to know 3 of the 7 wonders of the world. I would like to visit Machu Picchu, Peru because for its fascinating architecture amidst the mountains, and the mystery behind how it was built. Also I would like to visit Taj Mahal and Pyramid of Chichen Itza because these are fascinating examples of archiitecture.

  23. I like to travel to the Taj Mahal.The Taj Mahal is one of the Seven marvels more beautiful and romantic of the world. Located in Agra. Built by Emperor Shah Jaha, for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
    This work considered a jewel of Mongolian art. Is made of white marble and hard stones.
    I also believe that the Taj Mahal is a very romantic and it was a beautiful tribute to his wife.
    I hope to soon visit the Taj Mahal


    1. I desagree with it, because when someone learns a foreign language in a Spanish speaking context, or other context where the language is different than English, learning process is slower.

    2. I think than this project is good because English language is necessary in different areas such as economy, travels, education etc. and would be ideal all the Colombian could speak English.
      I think than this is not achievable because implanting English as a foreign language by this year is very fast. I believe than we need more time to prepare better and speak perfect English. Additionally, there are people who know little or nothing of English.
      Maybe later when Colombia has more and better people to teaching English this could be achieved.

    3. I think that achieve Colombian government’s project is complicated because of is difficult to teach a foreign language to all the country in little time. In addition, Colombia does not have an appropriate context to develop this project.

    4. I think that this project is excellent, because if we have the English language as second language benefits us in many ways with countries that have English language, such as easy communication, help to do business and studies in foreign. Our country isn't committed with Education. The government has been cutting the budget for Education and to make this project a reality requires many English teachers.
      I would be happy if this project is done, because I would have many job offers.

    5. I think until 2019, it's possible to impose English as second language. Should be carefully applied a program for it. Would be the program of teaching and learning since kindergarten until college. I think that open new and the best possibilities of work for us. I find that idea is very interesting and possible.

    6. I think this is very important because the need to dominate other languages, primarily English, gets bigger and bigger. Besides, the growth of economy makes the domain of English essential for most people. Furthermore, I consider that the proyect is achievable. In the school, specially in high school, there are already subjects focused on teaching English as a foreing language. I think in a short time, most of people in Colombia will domain, at least, a basic level of English.

    7. I think this project is a good idea because we will have better oportunities here and in other countries. We will learn about other cultures. Also, I think this project is achievable in colombia because our country has few illitrates.

    8. I think that, it is a good idea because it is a form to value the teaching, the education, and English teachings.
      today there are very teachers who do not know English, however they feel to teach this subject. It is a mistake.

    9. I think that is good strategy,for the development in a competence and to fortify the dominion in the English,because this has personal,social,technological,labor benefits.I consider that this project is achievable for the reason that this in favor of the community and to improve our dominion in the English.

    10. I think than this project is good because English is necessary in different areas such as economy, travels, education, etc. And would be ideal all the colombian could speak English.
      I think than this is not achievable because implantign English as a foreign language by this year is too soon. I believe than we need more time to prepare better and speak perfect English. In additionally, there are people who know little or nothing of English.
      Maybe later when colombia has more and better people to teaching English this could be achieved.

  25. I think it's a good project for today is to know several languages​​, jobs require, and I think that is possible if the government poya more to education programs in English

  26. I think that this project is interesting. First, because we can learn best the English. also, I think it is possible by the need to interact with foreign. This project have adventages for students. They can be persons bilingual. Finally, I agree with this project because is a oportunity to better development of English.

  27. I think everything is possible in this life. Although in many instances, or governments promise much. But if you acquire the necessary resources, this project if it can be realized.
    In addition, since 2008 college students preparing to become language teachers must submit an international survey showing or institutional level, ranging from B2 to C2 (upper intermediate to advanced higher) as the universities. From the same year, all teachers who apply for a teaching position language must demonstrate a minimum level B2, upper intermediate. For these reasons, the project it can be a reality

  28. In Colombia it is necessary develop the capacity of his citizens to handle at least a foreign language. In this context, the Ministry of Education formulates the National Bilingual Programme 2004-2019, including new standards of communicative competence in foreign language: English. So I think this project if it can be realized and should be executed.

  29. I think until 2019, it's possible to impose English as second language. Should be carefully applied a program for it. Would be the program of teaching and learning since kindergarten until college. I think that open new and the best possibilities of work for us. I find that idea is very interesting and possible.

  30. I think that this project is a good idea because English is a important a important language around the world and it is a exelent project applicable in Colombia.

  31. I think that it is a good project because English is the universal language and this is very important for the future of children.

  32. I think this is a good project because this language has become the most important toolof business and the development of a lingua franca sociedad.esta native speakers from different countries which has helped to make it unfold they want and is one of the most important languages for the development of globalization.

  33. I think that the proyect is important for the development of our country. Our economy is more linked with new opportunities for study and business. Moreover, this can be possible only if the government guarantees more resources for teaching a second languages.

  34. This project is achievable because is a great opportunity for Colombian people. The implementing English as a foreign language is a project for the improvement of language teaching and learning in Colombia. English is a language which has great reach and influence. I think that the English language is fundamentally important because it is spoken in so many parts of the world.
