Saturday, April 21, 2012

My city before and after

My students will be sharing their ideas on how they think their hometowns have changed over the years in terms of infrastructure, music, traditions, communications, etc.


  1. Santa Cecilia is a great town and has fantastic musical groups. For this reason it is called Santa Cecilia in her honor. It has had changes ever time with respect to the musical groups. For example, in town existed a group musical and its members played and sang religious music and old music for festivals as well. They used ancient musical instruments such as the guitar and drum. Actually, this band does not exist. Now there are new musicians who play currents music. They use new musical instruments like electric guitars, drums, etc. They make their show at parties, carnivals and special events.

  2. Evolution of Trade in Pasto

    In recent years there were many changes in the commercial activities in Pasto. In some neighborhoods there were only small shops. There were only two large chain stores like, Alkosto, and LEY. On the street there weren’t many cars. There wasn't so much noise. Besides, there weren't many buildings and apartments for sell. But business is great now. At the present time there are large chain stores, called Exito, Alkosto, Unicentro, and Unico. Also there are supermarkets in many places of town. Also there are markets. You can buy here many products, such as, vegetables, fruits, meat, and sea food, too. There is heavy traffic today in the town center and the neighborhoods, because, there are many cars and motorcycles for sell to at low prices. There are clothes stores everywhere. There are hardware stores and software stores; there are all kinds of products for sell. The trade nowadays in the city is much bigger and better than ten years ago.

  3. San Juan de Pasto 10 years ago, in his Gastronomy always has been the same with different dishes, desserts and drinks, with respect at dishes; we can see Lapingachos, tamales and his typical dish that is the cuy. Additionally the desserts in Pasto there are very sweets such as the Chilacuan and Brevas. Finally the drinks we can find Chicha and Hervidos, generally in Pasto It has not had changes in his Gastronomy and this is very good.

  4. I was born in Pasto. This is a beautiful city for me. I remember that did not exist 20 years ago the Peñas-Bar. Famous bars now. In my opinion, these bars are very good, to enjoy. These bars began whit Andean music only. Currently outstanding music bars crossover. The people visiting Pasto also should visit these places. Today, Pasto is characterized by this kind of bars and music. In addition, the famous Carnival of blacks and whites of this city.

  5. El Tambo's changes.

    There are many changes in El Tambo. There is more traffic than ten years ago. Also there are more buildings in it, such as more schools, roads, streets, and obviously more houses, because more people are living in there than ten years ago. El Tambo has very good artists, especially on music, poetry and handicrafts. They have won great recognitions nationally. In addition there is a better education in these days because of they have new technology and new methodology. One final reason is that there are more business now; some companies, and many stores, although none is a chain store.

  6. I think that Pasto was a very small town but it is changing. The people are working to development of Pasto so the town is changing its infrastructure. Pasto is building a very important bridge and the workers is repairing the streets of the town so that Pasto is now a great and beautiful place.

  7. Samaniego is a small town,this is to characterize for its music.It is the most important activity : las bandas. Before was a little musician and orchestra.Now there are different musicians and orchestras of many towns.For example,Sotomayor,Tuquerres,Ancuya.It is an interesting culture for its musical variety.this is celebration is every year.

  8. Pasto 10 years ago, according to their culture. San Juan de Pasto is a wonderful place. the culture of San Juan de Pasto is involved in the Carnival of "blancos y negros" and other traditions. Participation of citizens in this festival has changed over time, 10 years ago people played and enjoyed them with education and respect but that has been killing time, dancing, music and other cultural aspects are different to those of today. But the talent of the artisans has evolved, intolerance of viewers is becoming bigger, not realizing the damage they do to endanger the life of an entire culture that may gradually terminated for this reason we must be aware and enjoy the carnival in harmony and respect our tradition leading to a higher level.

  9. In Pasto many things have changed. First, there are more cars now than 10 years ago. Another change is the fashion. Young people dress tighter clothes. In addition, some boys started to use make up. Finally, some local stores have disappeared and big chain stores have taken their place.

  10. I am from San Pedro De Cartago, Nariño. San Pedro De Cartago there weren´t good comunication. Ten years ago there was only one office of telephone communication. The people paid much money for calling. Now, the people call in everywhere. One call for telephone or cellphone is cheaper. Now, communication is better than ten years ago.

  11. Pasto has many changes. There are many people including people from other cities and countries. The infraesturture is different; there are more buildings, modern house, although the streets are not in good condition. The culture is stronger in addition, every year people all over the world visit us to enjoy the carnival.
    Education in School and universities is improving and projecting internationally, also, the bussines are bigger than other years, there are some Chain stores, many clothes shops, restaurants, and hardware store between other.
    Finally, Pasto is different from the way it was five years ago.

  12. I am from El Peñol. This is a small town west of Nariño. I came to work to Pasto eleven years ago and during that time the town has changed in many ways. This town is different now. Today it is more modern, because there are streets paved; also there are new buildings such as: the new Hospital, the Police Station, the Mayoralty and the new College.
    There are many family – owned businesses in the town. In front of my house there is a new supermarket. Also, there are two clothing stores; there is a fast food restaurant, there is a new bakery and there are three farm shops.
    In my town there aren't some places that before there were. The church collapsed because it was too old, the old College is collapsing and the old corner store it´s gone. There is a cellular store there now.
    I have very good memories of my Town.

  13. I am from El Peñol. This is a small town west of Nariño. I came to work to Pasto eleven years ago and during that time the town has changed in many ways. This town is different now. Today it is more modern, because there are streets paved; also there are new buildings such as: the new Hospital, the Police Station, the Mayoralty and the new College.
    There are many family – owned businesses in the town. In front of my house there is a new supermarket. Also, there are two clothing stores; there is a fast food restaurant, there is a new bakery and there are three farm shops.
    In my town there aren't some places that before there were. The church collapsed because it was too old, the old College is collapsing and the old corner store it´s gone. There is a cellular store there now.
    I have very good memories of my Town.

  14. San Juan de Pasto is a wonderful city. This city is the centre of an agricultural region. San Juan de Pasto was only considered a region specializing in the production of dairy products. Now the city is an important center of commerce, cottage industry and the manufacturing of furniture that are an important part in local economy. The city is an important center of commerce with many malls, cottage industry and is often visited by people from Ecuador.

  15. San Pedro is my beautiful town. People are very friendly. It has several tourist places such as nature, small churches, and thermal waters. When someone is tired, they go to take a bath to the thermal waters . Moreover, you can visit the churches, if you like nature, you can find wonderful places; you can see rivers, plants, animals, and good people. But, there are negatives things. first, teens can´t go to school. then, they start to consume many drugs, alcohol, and they also begin to have babies. In my town there is not much money. Because of that, we must think about it. So then, we are working on three activities; agriculture, tourism, indigenous knowledge. and I believe these jobs are very important to our economy. For example, many tourist are interested in the indigenous medicines to cure their illnesses. Then, these activities help us economically. So, I think where I live, it is a beautiful place.

  16. Pasto is a beautiful city. Pasto has important changes; this city was smaller than ago very years. Today this city is bigger because there are more neighborhoods, buildings, shopping centers, super markets etc. Also the streets are wider than ago some years; however there are heavy traffic because of the number of cars that are in this city. But Pasto are building a tunnel that it will help at heavy traffic.
    Another important change was in the eightteen and nineteen street because there was some different, today is the carnival square.
