Sunday, May 13, 2012

May's Forum



    1. I think that people are important because of their personality and their soul but no bacause of their physical appearance. Although is important to have a good personal presentation I think people must worry much more about their feelings and their coexistence with society. People must prioritize the growth of the spirit to be a better person.

    2. In my opinion, I totally agree with the idea that many people nowadays are obsessed about looking physically good. As a result of this way of thinking, they endanger their own lives. For example, people spend hours and hours doing exercise, going on diets, and also spend money on surgeries, but instead of getting the results they expect, they end up risking their lives and in the worst cases, they die.

    3. I think that appearance is important to me because, I look good; I feel good.
      In the future, I would do some sugery to I look better.

    4. I think the physical appearance of people is very important. This increases the confidence in himself. When people are well arranged, they look beautiful clean and tidy. But the obsession with physical appearance is harmful. That is causes many diseases. For example, bulimia and anorexia or esthetic surgery performed. That often ends in death or dangerous infections.

    5. I think that the physical appearance is important but without that the physical appearance affect our lives, thinks and the most important our feelings.

    6. I think that this is a social problem. The obsession with physical appearance is harmful because people hurt themselves when they try to improve their physical appearance. They are putting their health in danger for they to be beautifull.

    7. I think that physically care is good, but unfortunately, many people sacrifice their health to look good, for this reason, somebody spends hours in the gym, and do not eat become thin or very husky. Additionlly, today we see that it is a serious social problem of low self-esteem, fashion and social acceptance.

    8. I think that this obsession with physical appearance is a mental problem that people get when they don't feel good about themselves. for this reason people are using wrong methods to get feeling better. I believe that we must take care our physical appearance without obsession and use to safe methods sach as go to the gym, walking, eating healthy food, etc. It will help us to feel good about uorselves and so we will not risk our lives.

    9. I think everything is a snap, as well as the thoughts are important, the physical as well. One shows what is by their actions and how they appear to others, but sometimes looks can be deceiving.

    10. I think this is a problem of self-esteem, when people are not happy as they look, seeks to draw the attention of others to feel good. they think physical appearance is most important in life, but do not realize that there are more important things such as feelings, love and happiness.

  2. I think that it is a very important issue because many people are obsessed with their physical apperance. In my opinion, women are more concerned about this problem.
    Schools should train students to avoid this problem.

  3. I believe we must have much care. Some people offer us many drugs such as anabolic and steroids, this drugs serve us to improve our body when we do sport. But, we don´t know that these drugs are bad to our digestive system, it bring us side effects. For example, when we consume these drugs, these can harm our body. We can suffer diseases like cancer and addiction. Then, we must think on our healthy and we can try practicing a healthy sport.

  4. I believe we must have much care. Some people offer us many drugs such as anabolic and steroids, this drugs serve us to improve our body when we do sport. But, we don´t know that these drugs are bad to our digestive system, it bring us side effects. For example, when we consume these drugs, these can harm our body. We can suffer diseases like cancer and addiction. Then, we must think on our healthy and we can try practicing a healthy sport.

  5. I think this is simply lack of personality, lack of love for himself. These are people with much free time because the people who work, study, and, have any kind of responsibility in our day to day, I do not have time to focus our attention on the physical aspect. It is thought better to have good presence, respect for other people and respect for ourselves.

  6. I think the obsession with looks and body has gone way too far. There are so many things in life which are more important than looks, and yet people are still willing to do anything to try and look better and for this situation persons suffering from eating disorders like Anorexia, Bulimia and Compulsive Overeating frequently have negative feelings about their body and are overly concerned about their body size and weight.
    Many of our problems, particularly the ones related to an obsession with weight, dieting and appearance because people don't want just a healthy body. People want a body that is perfect in physical dimensions in order to keep up with fashions.

  7. I think that is bad because people watch physical defects where they do not have,however this can bring consequences and illness for example,anorexia and bulimia.

  8. I think that, the physical appearance is important if people care your health. Also, some people don´t care themselves when they obsess with their physical appearance. This persons sometimes have psychological problems. And sometimes, this persons risk your lifes for their physical appearance.

  9. I think physical appearance is very important if people have good health, but not always the physical appearance is so important because the essence of people is in his nature, his personality.
    Obsession many times this may have consequences and psychological problems that can affect your lifestyle and many diseases, but this is not so important there is much more important than physical appearance.


    1. I agree with marriage gay because they have right to be happy. Nobody has to say , how you should be or as you think. Some people hate to the gay, they can say what they like, but I know is, they have equal right with other people and they are part of our society.
      I have watched many children abused and malnourished in our society, and if these gay couples can offer them affection and respect to those children, then I agree with the adoption of children by gay couples.

    2. I agree with gay marriege because it in my opinion this is a normal act of two people who want to be together. I think that children adoption for gay couples would be good. If the couples are responsible and have everything that a child needs in a family like love, support, education etc. they could have a great family and make a orphan child very happy.

    3. I disagree with the adoption of children by gay couples. I disagree with gay marriage. Because a marriage is usually between a man and woman. In addition, a child needs a model of normal family. The child needs a father and a mother to assert its identity and character.

    4. I disagree with gay marriage.I think that children adoption for gay is bad because it is not a good model.Normally the children have a father and mother.

    5. I agree with gay marriage. I think that this couples are lovely like the common couples. I agree with this couples, because they also will be good parents.

    6. I agree with gay marriage because people are free, and homosexual couples can be responsible, dependable and good parents.

    7. I disagree that gay copules can adopt children because children should have a family where the parents are man and womam, because it situation where the child have two fathers or two mathers can confuse the child, also,I do not agree with gay marriage for this reason, I think that a couple like this, goes against natural law.

  11. I have no problems with gay marriage. I think love is free, love must come from the soul. So, if two people of the same gender decide to be together and they feel a big love nobody must adjudicate them. But, I disagree about children adoption for gay couples because I think it's bad to kids' mental health. A child needs a mother and a father well-defined. Otherwise, I think the child won't know very well his or her sexual orientation. And when he or she being older they will decide what way want to take.

  12. I agree with gay marriage because I believe people should be allowed to marry who they want to. Marriage should be a personal choice, not a public or religious choice. I think that adoption into a loving home is all that matters. Kids need homes that provide love, support, and some financial stability.

  13. I think that everyone is free to choose how he or she wants to live. Nobody should criticize the sexuality of another person just because it is not common. However, when it comes to a child, this matter gets more difficult. Now, it is not just about the lifestyle of two men or women. Here, the rigts of the children are more important than the ones of these homosexual couples. In my opinion, allowing these people to adopt a kid could affect his right to grow in a normal family. So, I do not care about homosexual couples, but I am against the children adoption for these people.

    1. I think that all humans have the right to be happy and everyone is free to make their own decisions and choose who can be happy, I'm agree with gay marriage because those people do not think the public opinion or what society says they only think of living well and quiet, they also have the right to adopt children in order to make a home and a family where they can provide love and warmth no matter what else.

  14. I agree with gay marriage because we can choose our couples freely. I think that gay couples can adopt children because children need love and good deal. Gay couples are loving and they can teach values to children.

  15. I respect the people's thinking. However, I disagree with marriage and child adoption among gay couples. Because God made a law, and that is above earthly laws. In Addition, a child when living in a home where a figure missing either paternal or maternal, has many psychological problems. So, the child living in a gay home I think more problems.

  16. I am not in favor but I'm not against,the people are free to choose their sexuality and To love whom they want, but the adoption could be something traumatic for the child's development, also according to the Catholic Church such unions are against the law of God.

  17. I agree whith gay marriage. I think that gays are normal people and they have feelings. But I desagree about children adoption for gay because children need to feel the love of a father and a mother. Also in Colombia it is not normal to see children with two fathers. They can not have a normal life.

  18. I think, there are many different people. I believe that we must to respect to this people because this physiological problem doesn´t dependent of them. We must think that they have feelings as any being human. But, I disagree in adoption of babies this must be very difficult to them, when they grow. They can have many problems with society such as rejection, inequality, and psychological trauma.
